News: August 11

Army complains that budget cuts are too deep

After two costly, fruitless wars, defense cuts are about to begin. Has a general ever not complained of inadequate funding? Perhaps the generals, retired and active-duty, should have seen the difficulties that would follow invading Afghanistan and Iraq.

Saudi-Russian talks on Syria

The two powers are the chief backers of the opposing sides in the Syrian civil war. The two have things in common elsewhere: opposition to democracy in the region and opposition to Islamist extremists, which threaten both countries and all countries in the Middle East. Look for the two powers to move closer. Any Syrian settlement will have to be imposed by outside forces, but noting is in the offing. Look for the Saudis to increase their arms purchases from Russia, at the expense of US arms producers.

Jeb Bush criticizes Hillary Clinton for inaction re Iraq

GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has criticized his potential democratic opponent for her inaction as Sec of State when Iraq descended into chaos. Iraq began its descent into chaos when the US ousted Saddam Hussein in 2003 – a policy long advocated by neocon group the Project for a New American Century. Jeb Bush was a signatory to PNAC.