News and commentary 17 Sep 2015

US-trained Syrian force almost none-existent 

The US hoped to build a moderate force and insert it into the Syrian civil war. The program has been a disaster. A force of about 60 troops was deployed last month and it is now down to “four or five.” Syrians do not want to serve in a US-backed force; they will be seen as agents of Washington, not as Syrian patriots. Heads should roll over this foolish program.

US airwar against ISIL of limited success

The US is flying some 87% of the air strikes over Syria and Iraq. Ground targets are hard to find; most planes return without dropping their ordnance. Nonetheless, ISIL can’t move troops and equipment around without risking serious losses.

Continued tension on Temple Mount

Members of the Likud Youth asked the stairs to the Temple Mount and retrace the steps of Ariel Sharon who in 2000, made the trek and in so doing brought a second Intifada. PM Netanyahu opposed the Likud Youth action.